“Nothing short of genius.”

“Elevates one's thinking.”

“A phenomenal coach.”

“A catalyst for transformation”


Portrait of Jean Houston

Dr. Heather Shea is one of the leading lights in the field of women’s potential being celebrated in business, education, and literature. Heather leads the way in both her brilliance and perspective in leadership.

Jean Houston, Ph.D., Visionary, Author, Teacher of Human Potential

Head shot of Susan Taylor

One of the most remarkable aspects of Heather Shea’s coaching style is her intuitive, holistic approach, paired with an impressive array of knowledge, tools and techniques, which she tailored to my unique needs and challenges. The impact of my work with Heather has been profound—personally and professionally. Heather is more than a coach; she is a catalyst for transformation. I am continually grateful for her guidance and support..  

Susan Taylor, CEO, Generon International, Co-Founder Dialogue Create

Dr. Shea is a brilliant coach and intuitive guide! For anyone seeking priceless support to overcome the many challenges that present themselves along the path of advancing powerfully toward their desired dreams, the intuitive guidance of Heather Shea is incomparable.

Ozioma Egwounmu, Founder, BurnBright International, World Dream Day

Heather is the perfect bridge for anyone looking for help in taking an idea and creating a practical, and inspired business plan to make it happen. For years, I wanted to create and launch a mindfulness program into the world for preschoolers. Heather Shea gave me the confidence, intuitive inspiration, and practical business advice I needed, to help me step into a life and business I love along this amazing journey  manifesting my dreams.” 

Christina Connors, Recording Artist, Producer, Christina’s Cottage

Heather Shea is a phenomenal coach. She can fluidly move between the conventional coaching approaches and deeper wisdom practices to provide a more holistic experience.

Christy Hirsh, Ed.D., Head of Growth, Blue Systems

Heather is nothing short of a genius. I have benefitted from her vast array of advising services in the areas of business, re-imagining the mission of my non-profit, to personal enhancement through both relationship building and romantic partnership closure. Heather brings a state of expanded awareness to the conversation and elevates one's thinking mind.  

Kim ("Kimla") Rose Desrosiers, MEng, RMT, CHT

You have been an inspiration! Great appreciation and awe for what you are doing!!

Tom Peters, Business Guru, Author of seven best selling books including, In Search of Excellence.


What an astonishing conversation with our beloved dogs!  It was a wonderful and amazing experience! It was a virtual meeting and Heather was spot on with each of their personalities as if she had known them before we all met. It was amazing how fast Heather picked up on each one individually and incredibly accurately! 

Billy Peepas, Master Stylist

I adopted a pair of bonded brother cats. Icarus had  no qualms about exploring everywhere and was clearly excited to have room to run around.  Hermes for some reason wouldn't venture upstairs. Hermes told Heather  that he was afraid there were dogs upstairs. In the shelter, his cage was right next to the dog grooming and training stations. Heather reassured him that there were not going to be any dogs upstairs. I never would have guessed that was why he wasn't going upstairs. He quickly settled in after our conversation with Heather and loves his new home.   

Alexandra Ramon, Operations and Technology Executive

Heather is a kind, caring and thoughtful animal lover and communicator. Pia enjoys her time with Heather!  

Miranda DeSantis, Leadership Coach, HR Consultant

We were so fortunate to connect Heather to our beloved Standard Poodle Sky when he was just entering his senior years. She was an important contributor to assuring his comfort and happiness as he journeyed through old age, arthritis and cancer. She helped facilitate a timely and totally peaceful transition and we are so grateful for her gift of loving connection.

Judy Terry, In-Site Design

Heather's animal communication and EFT sessions with my pig Peppa and peacock Cokey were incredibly illuminating. After her work with Peppa, mealtimes have become so much more tranquil. Heather enabled me to understand Cokey's perspective, revealing why he had been lashing out at me. With this newfound awareness, I could adjust my own behavior, resulting in Cokey feeling seen, heard, and respected. I now have a deeper bond and harmonious relationships with both my beloved animal companions.

Melissa Sherman, Animal Communicator, Holistic Pet Health Coach, Energy Healer

Heather is deeply empathetic and connected to our furry kids - over and above what we’ve experienced with other psychics working with animals. In addition to reaffirming several of our beliefs regarding how our cats related to each other, as well as to us, Heather helped us handle the misbehavior of one of our babies and was able to get him to find other ways for expressing his wishes! She was truly a lifesaver for us all! She is keenly intuitive and very easy to talk to. 

David Applebaum, Functional CMO Codezero Technologies Inc.