Energy Work

Would You Like To:

• Increase confidence and self-esteem?

• Develop capacities to access inner wisdom and intuition?

• Gain insight and clarity to release limiting beliefs?

• Increase physical, mental, and emotional well-being?

• Gracefully navigate life changes?

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT Tapping) - This is a method that can quiet the nervous system, lessen anxiety, and help shift behavior for animals and humans.

Scalar Wave - This is energy that can create a better sense of physical and mental well-being for people and animals.

Reiki - Reiki is a complementary therapy relating to healing through the transfer of energy. It comes from the Japanese words “rei” meaning universal and “ki”, meaning life energy. Reiki assists the body’s natural healing process and may develop emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Intuitive Readings - This utilizes a number of practices including Akashic Records, Archetypal Energies, or physical items such as Flower Readings.

Mediumship - This practice  provides an interface between the living and the spirit world.

As an Energy Work Practitioner I offer holistic modalities that may include:

Hypnosis - Hypnosis works with the subconscious mind to identify and remove self-sabotaging behaviors and limiting beliefs. 

Past Life Regression - This is a gentle technique that looks at previous lives to access memories and experiences that can offer perspective and learnings that can be applied in this lifetime.

Rev. Dr. Heather Shea is immensely wise and gifted. She was able through hypnotic regression to support my undermining UNCONSCIOUS pattern be identified and released. She skillfully coached me through a career challenge and major theatrical performance. Heather also recently spoke with all our fur babies. She is an incredible animal communicator and able to reach the words and consciousness longing to be spoken and recognized in people and in animals. 

Temple Hayes, Difference Maker, Author, Global Thought Leader