Knowing People

Are You Thinking About:

• Taking on a new leadership challenge?

• Transitioning jobs or careers?

• Rethinking current, or exploring new relationships?

• Exploring financial possibilities?

• Writing a book or starting a business?

By participating in the intuitive coaching process you can obtain the clarity, confidence, and competence to cultivate your purpose, possibilities, and unique potentials.

Executive Intuitive Coaching: Over the course of months we will meet weekly or bi-weekly depending on your goal. The path forward from awareness, to activation, to achievement can access areas of passion, identify strengths, overcome limiting beliefs to then allow you to achieve your desired results. [Schedule]

Awareness Learn to trust your own intuition, reconnect with your inner wisdom, reignite dormant passions and innate creativity by developing practical skills and strategies to move forward.

Activation - Face the unknown and start the process to intentionally and deliberately design, and implement, your path forward. This will enable you to transform your vision into a reality. 

Achievement Successfully accomplish your goals, then celebrate as you welcome your journey ahead.

Intuitive Coaching Sessions:  Through a single session or a series of 3, I will apply  intuitive knowings and a range of energetic modalities to address specific questions or situations you would like to explore.

“Heather Shea has that rare combination of competence and compassion. Her longtime expertise in the corporate arena has made her ideal for coaching in the rarefied executive realm, while her human and spiritual understanding empowers her to guide others through their challenges and transitions. She is insightful and deeply committed to the personal and professional growth of the people she coaches.” 

Gary A. Bolles, Author, The Next Rules of Work,  Co-Founder